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Heaven & 


Oakwood Homes
Corporate Headquarters
Denver, Co

Pat Hamill client


Lower Level 

     The project was designed to transform an otherwise utilitarian 40 foot lower level hallway into a playful take on the idea of heaven and hell With a timeline of 3 months I armed myself with sense of humor and a brush.  

     The idea was to loosely copy two old masters paintings on heaven and hell and use it on either end of the hallway.

     I incorporated the existing elements; The elevator; Signage; Fire Alarms; Fire extinguishers; Into the mural using them as a humorous foil.


     The Hell end of the Mural was where the I.T. Department was located.  The Heaven end of the hallway was where the employee kitchen was located.

New York

Subway Station

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The Schubeck Residence 

Kalamazoo, Michigan

Recreation Room

(Faux Subway Station)

     The Schubecks were enamored with the beautiful tile work found in the New York subway stations.   They had a wonderful idea to transform the walls of their lower level recreation room into the tile work of a New York Subway Station.

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Faux Tile Walls

Faux Mosaic Street Signs

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     It was a blast to invent a paint treatment to make the tile look real.  It was also a mathematical nightmare to figure out what size to make the different styles of tile and lay it out perfectly on the wall.  I had to be absolutely precise or I would have to start completely over.  

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Paint Treatments on:
Faux Steel Girders
Stair Rails
Light Cages
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     The Shubecks had an open house to celebrate the finishing of their recreation room. The final result was that no one could believe that it wasn't a REAL tile wall.  

English Garden 


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The Nicholson Residence 
Grand Rapids, Michigan

The Gallery

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     The Nicholson Family were avid collectors of Old English Antiques and admired the interiors of the magnificent English country estates that dot the British countryside.  My role as a muralist was to do an artistic rendition of this in two different rooms in the house; The Gallery and the Foyer

Murals on four walls and ceiling
Faux Stone Moldings
Trompe L'Oeil Stone Balustrades
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The Foyer

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Faux Stone Molding
Trompe L'Oeil Stone Balustrades
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Country Garden

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The Betz Residence 

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Guest Suite Foyer

     The Betz family had a beautiful guest suite designed for their friends when they came to visit.  They wanted it to look like a formal French garden. 

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     I especially loved the gorgeous, hand wrought, curved, mahogany doors and designed the entire mural to mirror this feature in some way, so that the painting would flow into the next room. 

     In the fountain room I designed the Trompe  L'Oeil stonework to seamlessly flow from real architectural details into the illusion of the painting.  

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Faux Stone Molding
Trompe L'Oeil Stone Balustrades and architectural details



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The Karsten Residence 

Grand Haven, Michigan

The dining Room

     The design for the Karsten dining room ceiling was derived from the Popes bathroom and the Tudor rose. 

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The Foyer

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Faux Stone Molding
Trompe L'Oeil Stone Masonery
Trompe L'Oeil Stone Alcove and Sculpture
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Faux Stone Molding
Trompe L'Oeil Stone Masonery
Trompe L'Oeil Stone Alcove and Sculpture


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Heaven and Hell
New York Subway Station
English Countryside
French Country Garden
Medieval castle
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